返回 【老爸老妈浪漫史】s02e05 演戏还是闹剧


<听写方式: 填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号>
Barney:Can you pass the Arts and Leisure?Can you pass the Arts and Leisure?
Woman:I just did.
Lily:Honey, I'm...Barney, what the hell is going on here?
Barney:Lily, I can explain...
Lily:How could you?In our own home?You bastard!
Woman:I'm so sorry.I didn't know he had...
Lily:Just get out.This is what I get after I worked as a stripper for four years to put you through medical school?I got breast implants for you.I... I was just about to turn on the tears.
Barney:Brava.That was incredible.And that slap was genius.You did not hold back.
Lily:Yeah, that I just always wanted to do.
Barney:Fair enough.I have to say,____(一句话听写)____.
Lily:You know...nah,never mind.
Barney:What?You're my wife.You can tell me anything.
Lily:Well, if you really wanted to sell this ruse,we should try to make this place a little more...you know,homey.Like-like a woman would actually live here.
Barney:What did you have in mind?



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