返回 【别对我撒谎】S01E07-part 1 也门挟持人质


姐弟两个被也门政府挟持了,情况危急,几天后就要做出处罚;the Lightman group集团即将为我们揭开一个个谜团。。。

Marcus: I... I disrespected the most... holy laws. I do not deny this. I'm so sorry for my actions. I'm deeply... deeply sorry.
Nicole: I am 1________. I do not 2_______this. I also apologize and beg forgiveness.
Mrs. Bradin: They sound terrible. Do you hear how 3________ they sound?
Mr. Bradin: Diane, you got to…let 'em do their job.
Mr. Peters:  Listen, I told you that we're negotiating with the Yemeni government to release your children. We're just having trouble getting a read on their negotiator, and that is why we hired the Lightman group.
-Foster: We understand how hard this must be.
-Loker: We can tell you that last year the Lightman group helped free several American 4_________ in Colombia.
-Mr. Peters: You have to be 5_______.
-Mrs. Bradin: It's been 29 days, and my children are halfway around the world having god knows 6what done to them. Don't tell me to be patient.
-Foster: You might have tried a little diplomacy with mom and dad there.
-Mr. Peters: Please, I don't have time to hold hands. The situation's getting worse by the minute.
-Loker: Why are the Yemen is detaining them?
-Mr. Peters: The brother Marcus was visiting the sister on 6_________. Yemeni police pulled them over for speeding. They find an ounce of marijuana in the car. Under Islamic law, trafficking drugs is punishable by death.
-Foster: Nicole slurred a few words. Have they been tortured?
-Mr. Peters: Well, she might have seemed sleep-deprived, but Yemeni's definitely not known for its humane treatment of foreign prisoners.
-Loker: Is that their negotiator?
-Mr. Peters: Yep. Guy speaks in monotone, has an endless list of demands, and we have no idea of what he actually needs to get a deal done. So if you can pick up anything in his speech or his body language, get a read on him.
-Foster: We'll take a look at the negotiation footage…
-Mr. Peters: I don't need 7________. Okay? I need answers. Nicole and Marcus are being sentenced in two days.
If we don't start making progress , they're gonna be facing 8________.



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