返回 【别对我撒谎】S02E04-part1 怀疑前妻出轨



-Cal: Sir, your ex never 1____________ you. There it is.
-Man: You're positive?
-Cal: Yup. I spoke to her for half an hour, at one of those, uh, singles what?
-Forster: Uh, singles mixers.
-Cal: Singles mixers, and 2__________________________, when the subject came up. Her virtue is intact. So...
-Man: Let me remind you, there's millions in alimony 3__________.
-Cal: I'm well aware of the terms of your prenup. I'm telling you, conclusively, your wife never violated the 4____________, or however you put it.
-Man: Maybe if I increase your fee, you can run another one of your tests.
-Cal: All right. Let me just stop you right there. The truth's the truth.
-Man: Send me the bill.
-Cal: I will. I definitely will.
-Cal: That was fun. What's next? Uh, peeking through keyholes or what?
-Forster: You 5_________ this company to buy your ex-wife out of this, ok?
-Cal: Yeah, only because she was gonna move my daughter to Chicago.
-Forster: Yeah, yeah. But now, we are 6__________, and taking cases like this helps us stay afloat.
-Cal: I don't care. I don't care. What? I'll go back to working out of my kitchen before I take another case that that. I don't care. I don't care.
-Forster: All right. The bills, the books, the payroll, fine. It's all yours. Hell, everything... everything, it's all yours. You can take it.
-Cal: Will you calm down?
-Forster: Will I calm down?
-Cal: What's the matter with you?



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