返回 【kaka礼节美语】130 英语说得溜溜转! 2



R: ---1---.

P: So the sentence will help my brain remember the word?

R: Yes, I think it does.

P: I sometimes have a hard time with grammar. I just can't remember all the verb tenses and other little rules.

Robert建议Penny看英文杂志,把不认识的单词划出来,查字典,underline and look up the words you don't know. 知道意思以后再回过头来重读一遍。Penny说有时觉得语法很难。

R: You know something? ---2---. To tell you the truth, I'm still fuzzy on quite a few English grammar rules myself.

P: But eventually my grammar will improve, right?

R: Certainly. ---3---. And you know something else?

Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn, grammar included.

P: Ah...but it's so embarrassing!

R: Exactly! ---3---!

Robert让Penny上来先不要管语法,通过阅读和交流,语法自然会慢慢掌握。You will pick it up automatically. Robert两次说到,You know something? 意思是,告诉你吧。他觉得,出错是学习的最佳途径之一,Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn. Penny说,那多丢人啊。It's so embarrassing. Robert居然说,这样以后才不会忘。

R: And one more thing: ---4---. Languages are usually quite different from each other so it's not really a help.

P: So I should just say it. Even if it comes out wrong, right?

R: Yep. You can also keep a notebook and when you hear or see something you don't quite understand, write it down and look it up later.

P: Ah, I already have a great dictionary in my cell phone! I use it everyday.

Robert反对说英语的时候从母语,mother tongue,直接翻译过来,因为这样做只会,slow you down,放慢你的速度。Robert还建议Penny随身带个笔记本,把听到看到的生字记下来回去查。Penny说她手机里就有字典,而且每天都在用。


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