返回 【灵书妙探】S01E05 初探书房(下) (5/5)



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Sam: 人名

Castle: Well, you have an ending. You want the rest, you need to work backwards. You need to finish the story. _____(1)_____. You have your killer. You just have to put it all together with the facts at hand.


Beckett: The facts?

Castle: Fact... _____(2)_____.


Beckett: So?

Castle: _____(3)_____. They didn't have baby sitter with him at work. She would've had to have been with the kids she disappeared.



Castle: Which the doorman was never able to corroborate.


Beckett: So if she was there and she never left, then…

Castle: Then she was murdered in the apartment.


Beckett: Yeah.

Castle: Another fact he lived in Manhattan.



Castle: So what is a good husband to do living in Manhattan with his wife's body? _____(6)_____. He can't walk out the lobby with it. So the only question is…


Beckett: How did he get the body to the storage unit? He…

Castle: Hey, could… no. _____(7)_____?


Beckett: Yeah?

Castle: Sometimes when I'm trying to figure out how a character of man does something. _____(8)_____. This one time, I was trying to figure out how to throw someone off the Empire State Building. And that movie "Sleepless in Seattle" had  _____(9)_____. Oh, so many lonely women approached me thinking I was their Tom Hanks. I got…


Beckett: Castle!

Castle: The point is, you want to get into a killer's head. _____(10)_____. Field trip?


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