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Grace: It's so great seeing you guys again. 

Curtis: Yeah. 

Martin: I agree. 

Grace: I can't believe it's been 20 years since __1__. 

Martin: You know something, I remember it as if it were yesterday. 

Curtis: I do ... (Yeah.) I was just going to say, as if it were yesterday. 

Martin: Incredible. 

Grace: Martin, __2__? 

Martin: Oh, I remember most? 

Grace: Uh-huh. 

Martin: Curtis's hair ... down to his waist. 

Curtis: Now, I remember how Grace looked. (Wha ...) She always had a flower painted on her face, remember that? 

Martin: Oh, yes. I remember that. 

Grace: Now wait, wait. Let's not forget about Martin and his __3__. I never saw anybody with more holes in their jeans than Martin. 

Martin: They're a classic. You know, I still have those blue jeans. (Oh.) 

Grace: Still have them? I don't believe it. 

Curtis: Oh. Incredible. I don't either. 

Martin: And I still wear them, too. 

Curtis: You know, I was just thinking the other day—it's funny-about that worst ... worst thing that happened in college. 

Martin: The worst thing? 

Grace: What was that? 

Curtis: Yeah. The time we were driving home from college for a spring break, remember? (Oooh.) (Ooh. Yeah. Oooh.) It was a holiday, and every gas station was closed. __4__. 


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