返回 【妙招大看台】如何辨别星座?



For over 6,000 years, people all over the world have looked up to the stars and named them. As you gaze at the night sky, open your eyes to the constellations that shine above you.
You will need: a computer with internet access, a newspaper, a lawn chair, a blanket, star chart, flashlight and telescope or binoculars.
Step 1: Check the weather reports online, in the newspaper, or on the television to see if it is a clear night.
[-------1-------] A bright moon makes spotting constellations more difficult.
Step 2: [-------2-------]
Step 3: Sit on a lawn chair or lay on a blanket so you can be comfortable while stargazing.
Step 4: [-------3-------] This can take 30 to 45 minutes.
Step 5: Bring a star chart or star map to help you identify constellations. Use a flashlight to read the map.
Step 6: Use a telescope or binoculars to help you see the stars, planets, and craters on the moon. For beginners, 7 by 50 binoculars are recommended. With the constellations as your guide, you’re sure to enjoy many peaceful, clear nights.
Did you know? Hydra, named for the water monster from Greek mythology, is the largest constellation in the sky.


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