返回 【妙招大看台】同事很八卦怎么办




Listening to gossip is fun — unless they're whispering about you. Here's how to shut down the office busybody.

Step 1:
[-------1-------] So the next time the office tattler starts to share her suspicions that the new girl is bulimic, make a complimentary transition like, "Have you lost weight? You look terrific." She'll be so flattered she'll completely forget what she was saying.
Step 2
Totally aggravate her by playing Susie Sunshine to her Nasty Nelly. If she growls, "Doris snuck out at four yesterday," say, "Good for her! She works so hard" (even if you, too, think Doris is a deadbeat.)
Step 3:
Don't encourage her. Even if you're dying to ask her how she knows that two married colleagues have embarked on a torrid affair with each other, [-------2-------]
Don't think that being friendly with the office gossip will keep you safe — gossips talk about everyone.
Step 4:
Trap the big mouth by telling her a lie about yourself that you emphasize is top secret. [-------3-------]—and then confront her when it does.
Step 5:
ther employees that when the town crier gets going, you'll all get going, too. She won't be able to gossip if no one is listening.
Step 6:
[-------4-------]Take her aside and ask her to really think about what she's doing. With as much tact and diplomacy as you can muster, ask her to refrain from talking about others to you.
Step 7:
As a last resort, talk to your supervisor. Stress that you tried handling the situation yourself. And don't make it personal — drive home the point that the gossip is affecting productivity.



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