返回 【尼基塔】S01E13(03)Nikita和纽约警局指挥官交涉



Nikita: Attention, NYPD commander.

Commander: Ok, whoever this is, this is a __(1)__ channel. You're gonna have to back off –

Nikita: I'm inside the museum.

Commander: Identify yourself.

Nikita: I'm your eyes on the inside. There are roughly 50 canaries in the main hall __(2)__ by 6 or so crows. They have assault rifles and other small arms. They are very well trained and extremely dangerous.

Commander: Ok, what do they want?

Nikita: Prince Erik, but he's safe with me.

Commander: Oh, yeah? And what do you want?

Nikita: I want you to save the day, big guy. Stand down your snipers. Do not engage these guys.

Commander: What about the __(3)__?

Nikita: Once I get prince Erik out of here… Once I get the prince and another hostage out, everyone will be fine. The gunmen will __(4)__ the tactical situation. They will do the smart thing and surrender. It's what they're been trained to do.

Commander: So you just want me to sit here and wait?

Nikita: Right. Give the prince __(5)__ custody. Can you do that?

Commander: Ok, tell you what. You bring him to me, he'll be safe.

Nikita: Ok, good. As long as we can keep things cool.


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