返回 【尼基塔】S01E17(03)以其人之道还治其人之身



Michael: Go.

Nikita: I got him.

Michael: Where's your __(1)__?

Nikita: No.

Michael: No?

Nikita: You wanted this kind of relationship, you got it. You don't get Kasim until you do something for me.

Michael: What?

Nikita: I want verified locations of the remaining black boxes.

Michael: Nikita.

Nikita: And the identities of the __(2)__ attached to each one.

Michael: Are you out of your mind? I still have Alex.

Nikita: Well, I guess you'll have to __(3)__ that against how much you want Kasim, won't you?

Michael: You would let a known __(4)__ go free just to spite me?

Nikita: No. But I would let him go to prison for the rest of his life and yours.

Michael: There's not a prison on earth that Division can't negotiate him from.

Nikita: Beijing bombing 2008, Kasim was responsible. You think that if I drop Kasim in the president of China's lap that the Division could negotiate his release? Didn't think so. Now, be a good boy and do as you're told.

Michael: You're gonna __(5)__ this.

Nikita: One of us will. If I don't hear from you in 24 hours, I'll know you failed.



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