返回 【尼基塔】S02E03(02)三人组执行任务



Birkhoff: Buenos dias, muchachos. Welcome to Colombia. Land of lush forests, spectacular __(1)__, and wily little division assassins. Wish I was there to share the view with you, but mine is quite __(2)__. Thanks to our friends in U.S. Southern command. I hacked their satellite straight up. Now this place is division facility, so hacking security is not impossible, but it's __(3)__. It's safer if you go native and tap into the grid on the ground.

Michael: Copy that. You know, you've been full – throttle on this thing ever since we left.

Nikita: Yeah, so?

Michael: I want to know what happened to him that night after you __(4)__ him.

Nikita: I told you.

Michael: Why didn't you kill him?

Nikita: He was real, Michael. And I believed him, I couldn't understand why a man like that would be working with division.

Michael: Well, if there's anything that Percy knows how to do, it's how to buy a man's soul. He __(5)__ mine for ten years.

Nikita: I will get Ramon.


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