返回 【粉红猪小妹第三季】02 彩虹(2/3)


听写方式: 听写空白部分的句子,不用写序号。

Aside: The family have arrived at the mountains.

Daddy Pig: ________1_________ when we get to the top.

Mummy Pig: We are here.

All: Great!

Daddy Pig: Look at the lovely Sunny view!

All: Oh!

Aside: Oh, dear. It is started to rain.

Peppa: Where is the lovely view?

Daddy Pig: Ah, ________2________.

Aside: It’s Miss Rabbit’s ice cream store.

Daddy Pig: Hello, Miss Rabbit!

Miss Rabbit: Hello, Daddy Pig!

Daddy Pig: Four ice creams, please!

Miss Rabbit: ________3__________?

Daddy Pig: Mint, orange, strawberry and blueberry, please.

Miss Rabbit: Ok!

Daddy Pig: Look what I’ve got!
George: Icecream!

Mummy Pig: There are favorite colors.

Daddy Pig: That’s right. Green for me!

Mummy Pig: Orange for me!

Peppa: Strawberry red for me!

Daddy Pig: And George’s is…

George: Blue!

All: Ho, ho, ho…yummy

Mummy Pig: Look, the sun has come out!

Daddy Pig: And look what else has come out?

Peppa & George: A rainbow!

Aside: Peppa and George love rainbows!

Daddy Pig: __________4___________!

Peppa & George: Wow…

Mummy Pig: It’s got all our favorite colors in it.

Peppa: Yes. Red, and orange, and green, and blue.


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