返回 【美少女的谎言】S01E20(03)The Color Black



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E: You're nervous about this dinner.
B: Yeah, I guess I am.
E: Well, the important thing is we'll get past all the sneaking around, which, by the way, we were not that clever, because Aria knew.
B: What? When?
E: I don't know, but she did.      1   
B: What do you mean?  
E: Some new romance.      2   
B: Who's the boy?  
E: I don't know.      3   
B: Is it somebody at school?  
E: Probably.
B: Aren't you interested in who she's dating?
E: Of course I am. And when she's ready, she'll tell us. What? What is that look?
B:      4    And you had the same look.
E: She didn't do anything wrong.
B: I'm just saying we need to be a little bit more diligent about this.
E:      5   We have to trust her.
B: Well, it's not Aria I don't trust. It's the rest of the world. You know what I mean.
E: I think I do.




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