返回 【美少女的谎言】S02E01(01)It's Alive



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A: What's going on?
H: Mom?
H's mom: Veronica, since this is your idea...
S's mom: The accusations you made about Ian have cast a bright spotlight on all of you. Spencer is still a person of interest in Alison's murder investigation.      1   
S: Ian killed Alison, okay? And last night, he tried to kill me.
A: We were all there.      2   
A's mom: And we heard you.
A's dad: We don't need to rehash what we talked about last night. This is about moving forward.
S's mom: While the police sort through this, we want you girls to see a grief counselor.
A's mom: She's a therapist who can help you deal with Alison's death...
S's mom: And what appears to the police to be an obsession with trying to pin her death on Ian.
E: You think we're lying?
E's mom: Emily, I believe you.      3   
S's mom:      4   
H: I'm not going to no shrink. That's what friends are for.
H's mom: You can't be the only one who doesn't go.
A's mom:      5   
H: This is bull...
H's mom: Hanna!



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