返回 【美少女的谎言】S02E04(02)Blind Dates



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H: Can I have some of those?
L: Have them all. I may never eat again.
H: The rat fall in the fry oil again? 'Cause last time...
L: It's not the food. It's Danielle.
H: Yearbook Danielle? What's wrong?
L: What's right? Ever since you helped me score a date with her, my stomach has been like a rat fell in fry oil.     1   
H: Lucas, you don't have game.
L: Whatever.      2   
H: No! No! You cannot do that!
L: Sure I can.      3   
H:      4   
L: And fun is good, right? Like, you enjoy fun, right?
H: Yeah, sure. I mean...
L: Come with us on the date. I hear it's gonna be a lot of fun.
H: And weird. Haven't you ever heard the phrase "Three's a crowd"?
L: Fine. Don't come alone. You can bring Caleb.
H: No. No, I'm sorry. Absolutely not. That's not happening.
L: Come on, it's just one night. You got me into this mess, and now you're gonna have to help me deal with it.



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