返回 【美少女的谎言】S02E11(02)I Must Confess



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H: My dad wants me and Kate to toast tomorrow night at the dinner.
R: Neat trick. Are you gonna do it?
H: Well, sure, why not?
R: What is your take on this? Why is he tying the knot with that woman?
H: What do you mean? He loves Isabel.     1   
R: Happy? What's happy? Cows are happy, and they end up as sloppy joes.
A: Hey there, sweetie! Hello, Regina.
R: Look at your pretty mama. All dolled up like Condoleeza Rice. Turn around.
A: Why are all the bowls out?
R:      2    It just seemed silly that they're so far from the stove.
H: Dad wants me to give a toast tomorrow night. With Kate.
R: I say skip it.      3   
A: What are you talking about?
R: This child does not wanna see her daddy go through with this, and neither do you.
A: Regina...
R: Tommy is just waiting for you to take him back.
A: That is not true.
R:      4    Tom thinks you hung the moon, Ashley, and I'll bet that there's someone else here who feels the same way. Right, Hanna?
A: So this is why you came here early?
R: No, I should've come months ago. You've gotta fight for your man.
A: I am not fighting for Tom, Regina.     5    I would appreciate if you would drop the subject. Stop baiting your granddaughter, and put those mixing bowls back where you found them! Thank you very much!



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