返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E05(07)That Girl is Poison


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K: Oh. Can I help you?
A: Oh. Yeah, I was just looking for Emily.
K:      1   
A: I'm sure she's gonna be back.
K: I'm not.
E: Excuse me. Aria. What is going on?
A: Someone said that they just put out some stuffed mushrooms.
E: I don't want a mushroom. I want a dinner.
A: I know. And we will leave soon.
E:      2    I can afford to take you dinner, Aria.
A: It's not necessary. You just bought me an expensive camera.
E: What does that have to do with it?
A:      3   
E: I do have it. I chose the restaurant in new hope because I wanted to celebrate.
A: Celebrate what?
E: The job I got today.
A: You got that editing job? Why didn't you tell me?
E:     4   
L: Oh, crap!
A: Everything okay?
L: It's all wet. I don't have one dry memory card.      5   
A: I could run to your studio and grab you a couple more.
L: I can't ask you to do that.
A: You're not asking, I'm offering. Where are your keys?
L: You're a doll. And you're officially hired. Tell her to take the job.


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