返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E20(3)Hot Water


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A: Hey, Wes. Look, I think that we should talk-- Ezra.
E: Hey.
A: When did you get back?
E: 3:00 this morning.     1      I just woke up. I haven't been sleeping much the past few weeks.
A: Yeah, me neither. I guess I'm just a little confused on why you never called me on one of those sleepless nights.
E: Aria, my life turned upside down.      2     
A: Things like us?
E: For one. I mean, not about my feelings for you, obviously.
A: Obviously.
E: What is that supposed to mean?
A: Ezra, you've been radio silent ever since you left.     3     That you'd moved on.
E: No. Aria, no. If... if anything, I was trying to be fair to you and not drag you into the middle of this.
A: I already am.
E: And I feel terrible about that. Because this isn't-- this isn't what you signed up for.
A:     4     It's mine.
E: You're right. You're right. I'm sorry. I shut you out, and that was wrong.
A: How was your trip?
E: "Surreal" definitely comes to mind. But, uh... Malcolm's amazing. He's smart, lively, really artistic.
A: Did Maggie ever tell you why she kept it a secret?
E: She did.      5     
A: That's disgusting. Sorry.
E: No, no, you're right, and believe me, I gave her an earful over the phone. Can I bring you up to speed over dinner? I never would have said this prior to meeting you, but I've actually been craving vegan takeout. I want you in my life, Aria. Every part of it. If you're willing.


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