返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E20(4)Hot Water


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F: Aria.
A: Mrs. Fitzgerald.
F: I wanted to thank you.      1     Wesley's come home. He's gonna be finishing the year at Dillard.
A: Oh. Uh, I didn't do anything.
F:      2      Do you mind if I sit? I know we didn't get off on the right foot, but your generosity toward my son in the midst of all this does mean something.
A: Yeah, well, Wes needed a place to stay. I wasn't gonna leave him out on the street.
F: I meant Ezra. Wes stayed with you? I take it you've spoken with Ezra.
A:      3     
F: I know this may sound hard to believe, but I was acting in Ezra's best interest. He was in high school. Just think of yourself, Aria.      4     
A:      5     
F: I'm sure they do. I must admit, I admire your courage staying with Ezra while his life turns upside down. It will change things, to say the least. Especially for someone like Ezra. You know he'll make Malcolm the center of his life. And there's Maggie... Well, I won't keep you.


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