返回 【美少女的谎言】S03E21(2)Out of Sight, Out of Mind


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A: He must have been taken to a hospital.
H: Or he's in the woods somewhere and we just can't find him. What are you doing?
A: Calling Rosewood Hospital and then my lawyer.
H: Okay. No! You cannot do that!
A: Why not?
H: Because if Wilden is still alive somewhere, we don't know what he'll say or do.
A: Hanna, I hit a man. Not just any man.      1     
H: Well.      2     
A: I left the scene of an accident.
H:      3     
A: I was scared. He was reaching for his gun. I-I thought he was reaching for his gun!
H: I know.      4     And once you tell the police or your lawyer, there's no going back.
A: Okay. Hanna...      5      Understood?
H: Yes, of course.
A: Hanna, I mean it.
H: Nothing. I promise.


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