返回 【傲慢与偏见】Chapter 56(3/4)





"This is not to be borne. Miss Bennet, I insist on being satisfied. Has he, has my nephew, made you an offer of marriage?"
"Your ladyship has declared it to be impossible. "
"It ought to be so; it must be so, while he retains the use of his reason. But you may have drawn him in. "
"If I had, I shall be the last person to confess it. "
"Let me be rightly understood. This match, to which you have the presumption to aspire, can never take place. No, never. Mr. Darcy is engaged to my daughter. Now what have you to say?"
"Only this; that if he is so, you would have no reason to suppose he will make an offer to me. "
Lady Catherine hesitated for a moment, and then replied:
"The engagement between them is of a peculiar kind. From their infancy, they have been intended for each other. Whilst in their cradles, their mothers planned the union. They are descended, on the maternal side, from the same noble line; and, on the father's, from respectable, honourable, and ancient--though untitled--families. Their fortune on both sides is splendid. And what is to divide them? The upstart pretensions of a young woman without family, connections, or fortune. Is this to be endured! But it must not, shall not be. If you were sensible of your own good, you would not wish to quit the sphere in which you have been brought up. "
"In marrying your nephew, I should not consider myself as quitting that sphere. ______请填一句话,不写句末标点______. "



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