返回 【血字的研究】Chapter11:逃命(5/9)





He was sitting alone one evening 1__________________________________. That morning had shown the figure 2 upon the wall of his house, and the next day would be the last of the 2___ time. What was to happen then? All manner of vague and terrible fancies filled his imagination. And his daughter--what was to become of her after he was gone? Was there no escape from the invisible network which was drawn all round them. 3_______________________________.

What was that? In the silence he heard a gentle scratching sound--low, but very distinct in the quiet of the night. It came from the door of the house. Ferrier 4_______________and listened intently. There was a pause for a few moments, and then 5_______________. Someone was evidently tapping very gently upon one of the panels of the door. 6____________________________________________? Or was it some agent who was marking up that the last day of grace had arrived. John Ferrier felt that 7________________________________________. Springing forward he drew the bolt and threw the door open.

Outside all was calm and quiet. The night was fine, and the stars were twinkling brightly overhead. The little front garden lay before the farmer's eyes bounded by the fence and gate, but neither there nor on the road was any human being to be seen. With a sigh of relief, Ferrier looked to right and to left, until happening to 8_______________________________________________________.

So unnerved was he at the sight that 9______________________________________. His first thought was that 10__________________________________________________________. Once within the house the man sprang to his feet, closed the door, and revealed to the astonished farmer the fierce face and resolute expression of Jefferson Hope.


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