返回 【血字的研究】Chapter13:再录华生回忆录(6/11)




Waterloo Bridge

"He walked down the road and went into one or two liquor shops, staying for nearly half-an-hour in the last of them. 1_____________________________. There was a hansom just in front of me, and he hailed it. I followed it so close that the nose of my horse was within a yard of his driver the whole way. 2_________________________________. I could not imagine what his intention was in returning there; but I went on and pulled up my cab a hundred yards or so from the house. He entered it, and his hansom drove away. Give me a glass of water, if you please. My mouth gets dry with the talking."

I handed him the glass, and he drank it down.

"That's better," he said. "Well, I waited for a quarter of an hour, or more, when suddenly there came a noise like people struggling inside the house. 3____________________, one of whom was Drebber, and the other was a young chap whom I had never seen before. This fellow had Drebber 4_________________________________. 'You hound,' he cried, shaking his stick at him; 'I'll teach you to insult an honest girl!' He was so hot that 5_______________________________________. He ran as far as the corner, and then, seeing my cab, he hailed me and jumped in. 'Drive me to Halliday's Private Hotel,' said he.

"When I had him fairly inside my cab, my heart jumped so with joy that I feared lest at this last moment my aneurism might go wrong. I drove along slowly, weighing in my own mind what it was best to do. I might take him right out into the country, 6____________________. I had almost decided upon this, when he solved the problem for me. 7________________________. He went in, leaving word that I should wait for him. There he remained until closing time, and when he came out he was so far gone that I knew the game was in my own hands.


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