返回 【视频听写】韩国学校用平板电脑替代教科书


Textbooks are being swapped for tablets in classrooms across South Korea as part of a multi-million dollar technological revolution. But what do pupils and teachers make of the digital devices in their sanctuary of learning? Let's find out.

Lee Sang-hyeob, student, said, "Learning science experiments by watching videos makes it more fun and easier to understand."

Jang Woo-dam, student, said, "It was difficult for me to study using paper textbooks. However, it is more interesting and fun studying with digital textbooks, which has augmentation contents and videos."

More than 60 primary, middle and high schools in South Korea are now using digital textbooks as part of their curriculum.

Seoul believes it can finish the 2.1-billion-US-dollars program to replace textbooks with tablet PCs in schools by 2015.

Yeon Eun-jung, is a teacher at Sosu Elementary School. She sees many advantages in using tablets rather than textbooks.
Yeon Eun-jung said, "Digital textbooks have many videos and photos, so students can see photos and videos of those places they have not been. This advantage is effective for learning since it allows students to have more fun and be more interested in studying."

At the moment the tablets are a novelty, but with the millions of dollars the government is spending, hopes are clearly high for success.


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