返回 【科学60秒】这是衣服 还是智能机器人?


____1____. I mean, really, what can it do? It can't pick up sound, or ____2____ us if something's wrong. Or can it? M.I.T. researchers say they've developed a fiber that would allow clothing to eventually do those things. Their study is in the journal Nature Materials.
A big key to the fiber is a plastic commonly used in microphones. Its particular molecular structure involves a lopsided arrangement of fluorine atoms on one side and hydrogen atoms on the other. That asymmetry makes the plastic piezoelectric: it changes shape when it ____3____ an electric field.
So any electric current will then cause the fibers to ____4____. The fibers could act as a microphone or a speaker, depending on whether the vibrations were being recorded or amplified.
The clothing mic could capture speech, sure. But it could also monitor health by detecting almost ____5____ sounds from the body. Sounds like blood flow, which could make a shirt a 24-hour blood-pressure monitor. So maybe someday, your clothes will say: “I detect a rise in blood pressure. Please sit down.”


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