返回 【科学60秒】朝天椒给你降血压


Here’s a possible blood pressure ____1___. But it’s only for those who can stand the heat. It’s capsaicin, the “active ingredient” in peppers like habaneros that should probably be sold by prescription only. While ____2____, blood vessels actually relax, thanks to increased production of the signaling molecule nitric oxide. In rodents, anyway.
For seven months, researchers in China fed ____3____ of capsaicin to rats bred to be hypertensive. Long-term consumption of the chemical _____4____ lowered the rats’ blood pressure. The results appear in the August issue of the journal Cell Metabolism.
Previous research found ____5____ with capsaicin, but those studies only looked at short-term effects. Human trials are now needed, but there’s already a clue. Some 20 percent of people in northeastern China have high blood pressure. But the southwest—where hot peppers are a dietary staple—has a much lower incidence, half in some places.
Human studies could also confirm whether the habanero, as legend has it, can cause _____6_____. Allegedly so that diners don’t have to listen to their own screams.


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