返回 【科学60秒】节日聚会有助了解家族病史


Family Gatherings Are Opportunities for Medical Detective Work

Pop-pop! It’s so good to see you. How are you?

[Man’s voice:] Good, good.

How are those knees holding up? And the old ticker?

[Man: ] Fine. ____1____.

What medications are you taking now, Pop? Have you ever been diagnosed with high-blood pressure? Kidney disease? What about asthma? Any trouble breathing? Now, can you read the letters on the third line?

Man: E, Uh, M, P?

Taking grandpa’s medical history might not seem like ____2____. But geneticists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham note that family gatherings are a great time to learn more about your family’s health issues.
Lots of disorders—like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer—____3____ your genes. So it’s good to know whether grandma has glaucoma or your mom had a brother who died young of a massive coronary. That way your docs can ____4____ diseases to which you might be susceptible. Or maybe the info will inspire you to start taking better care of yourself.
Either way, offer the relatives a cup of holiday cheer. And ____5____ note how much they drank. For your records.


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