返回 【科学60秒】健康肤色吃出来


Many people love what they consider a suntan’s healthy glow.
But the color you get from eating vegetables might be the most attractive glow of all. That’s according to research in the journal Evolution and Human Behaviour.
Researchers controlled the diet and evaluated the skin color
of 82 participants for eight weeks. Those who ate more fruits
and vegetables had a yellower ____1____ to their skin. That
tone comes from carotenoids in the fruit and veggies, which
are linked to better ____2____and reproductive health.
In related studies, the scientists recruited volunteers to
look at photographs of 51 faces. They could ____3____ the
colors of the face to increase the darkness or the yellow tones. They were asked to adjust the colors until the faces looked to be what the subjects considered the most healthy.
And the majority preferred a ____4____ tone, like that produced by carotenoids. This ____5____ for Caucasians in the U.K. and black Africans in South Africa.
The researchers say the preference could be a gauge of vigor
—many animals let their health be known to potential mates
through vibrant coloration. So eat fruits and vegetables if you want your face to advertise your fitness.


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