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In science, citations are gold. A journal article that gets cited a lot is usually considered a valuable piece of work. Now comes a study claiming that the number of times a paper gets tweeted in the first three days after it's published is a decent predictor of how often it will eventually get cited. The study is in the Journal of Medical Internet Research and was done by the editor, Gunther Eysenbach, of the University of Toronto.

Eysenbach tracked more than 4200 tweets that cited 286 articles in his own journal. Three quarters of articles that got tweeted a lot (or, to use the study’s nomenclature, had a lot of tweetations) turned out to get a lot of citations.

Only 7 percent of poorly tweeted pieces wound up highly cited. As the article notes, quote: "Social media activity either increases citations or reflects the underlying qualities of the article that also predict citations."

______(请填一句。)________ Or tweet about it.

Oh, I learned about this research on Twitter—thanks, @sciam blogger Jason Goldman, @jgold85


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