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When it comes to telescopes, bigger is better. But it’s not always that much better. A new analysis shows that many of the highest-profile astronomy findings come from giant, world-class mountaintop telescopes - but the little guys are making surprising contributions, too.
The typical study using the largest observatories goes on to receive 29% more citations in subsequent research, when compared to studies utilizing more modest two- to four-meter telescopes. But those big-scope studies cost about four times as much. The analysis applies only to ground-based observatories.
The study, which appeared in the Astronomical Journal, notes that large, expensive observatories aren’t exactly a waste of money. Only big telescopes can observe the faint, distant objects that existed just after the big bang. But those telescopes are also so sought-after that it can be a challenge just to get in the door.
So small telescopes give you more bang for your buck. But some bangs are just too big for them to handle.


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