返回 【四签名】Chapter4:秃头人的故事(10/10)





Our cab was awaiting us outside, and our programme was evidently prearranged, for the driver started off at once at a rapid pace. Thaddeus Sholto 1_________________.

"Bartholomew is a clever fellow," said he.  "How do you think he found out where the treasure was?  He had come to the conclusion that it was somewhere indoors:  so he worked out all the cubic space of the house, and made measurements everywhere, so that not one inch should be unaccounted for.  Among other things, he found that the height of the building was seventy-four feet, but on adding together the heights of all the separate rooms, and 2_______________, he could not bring the total to more than seventy feet. There were four feet unaccounted for.  These could only be at the top of the building.  He knocked a hole, therefore, in the lath-and-plaster ceiling of the highest room, and there, sure enough, he came upon another little garret above it, which had been sealed up and was known to no one.  3____________.  He lowered it through the hole, and there it lies.  He computes the value of the jewels at not less than half a million sterling."

At the mention of this gigantic sum we all stared at one another open-eyed.  Miss Morstan, could we secure her rights, would change from a needy governess to the richest heiress in England. Surely it was the place of a loyal friend to rejoice at such news; yet 4______________ within me.  I 5______________________.  He was clearly a confirmed hypochondriac, and 6________________________, some of which he bore about in a leather case in his pocket.  I trust that he may not remember any of the answers which I gave him that night.  Holmes declares that he overheard me caution him against the great danger of taking more than two drops of castor oil, while I recommended strychnine in large doses as a sedative. However that may be, 7__________________.

"This, Miss Morstan, is Pondicherry Lodge," said Mr. Thaddeus Sholto, as he handed her out.


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