返回 【四签名】Chapter7: 木桶的插曲(5/11)







I did as he directed, and was instantly conscious of a strong tarry smell.
"That is where he put his foot in getting out.  If You can trace him, I should think that Toby will have no difficulty.  Now run down-stairs, loose the dog, and look out for Blondin."
By the time that I got out into the grounds Sherlock Holmes was on the roof, and 1______________. I lost sight of him 2_________________. When I made my way round there I found him seated at one of the 3____.

"That you, Watson?" he cried.
"This is the place.  What is that black thing down there?"
"A water-barrel."
"Top on it?"
"No sign of a ladder?"

"Confound the fellow!  It's a most break-neck place.  I ought to be able to come down where he could climb up.  The water-pipe feels pretty firm.  Here goes, anyhow."
4_________________.  Then with a light spring he came on to the barrel, and from there to the earth.

"It was easy to follow him," he said, drawing on his stockings and boots. "5______________.  It confirms my diagnosis, as you doctors express it."
6____________________.  In shape and size it was not unlike a cigarette-case. 7________________, like that which had struck Bartholomew Sholto.

"They are hellish things," said he.  "Look out that you don't 8___ yourself.  I'm delighted to have them, for the chances are that they are all he has.  There is the less fear of you or me finding one in our skin before long.  I would sooner face a Martini bullet, myself.  Are you game for a six-mile trudge, Watson?"
"Certainly," I answered.
"Your leg will stand it?"
"Oh, yes."


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