返回 【生活大爆炸】SO1EO14(3) 全是你的错


小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Penny: Okay, first of all, what you call a gap was nearly three feet wide. I slipped and ___1___ my knee. Are You okay?
-Penny: Second of all, the door to the stairwell of the other building was locked,
so I had to go down the _____2_____, which ends on the third floor, forcing me to ___3___ through the window of a lovely Armenian family who insisted I stay for lunch.
-Leonard: That doesn't sound too bad.
-Penny: It was eight courses of lamb, and they tried to ______4______ their son.
-Leonard: I'm sorry.
-Penny: Not done. By the time I finally got to work, they'd given my shift away. Yeah, that's right. I lost an entire day's pay thanks to this. This...
-Sheldon: Time machine.
-Leonard: __________5___________ You want to try it?  
-Penny: No! I don't want to try it! My God, you are grown men. How can you waste your lives with these stupid toys and costumes and comic books and... and now that?! That...
-Sheldon: Again. Time machine.
-Penny: Oh, please, it's not a time machine. If anything, it looks like something Elton John would drive through the Everglades.
-Sheldon: It only moves in time. It would be worse than useless in a ___6___.
-Penny: Pathetic! All of you! Completely pathetic!
-Rajesh: My turn.


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