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小提示: 听听宅男们的囧言囧语,填写对话缺失的部分,  不用带数字序号。注意句子开头要大写哦


-Leonard:Didn't I explain to you about your little mistake in the cafeteria?
-Sheldon:Yes. ________________________1______________________. Tom, however, has been chosen by science as a suitable mate for Penny.
-Leonard:Chosen by science?
-Sheldon:Well, what passes for science on dating sites. They claim to use heuristic algorithms, but it may well be hokum.
-Leonard:You got Penny to sign up for online dating?
-Sheldon:No, of course not. See, I used ___2___ and ___3___.
-Leonard:This is bad.
-Sheldon:Tom is a paramedic with the fire department, but he's going to med school at night. He likes the outdoors and, uh, strong women who initiate sex.
-Leonard:Really, really bad.
-Sheldon:I'm surprised you _________4_________ penny. Apparently, she's a big ol' five.
-Penny:Sheldon, what do you want?
-Sheldon:Oh, good, you got my note. Penny, I'd like you to meet Tom. Penny, this is Tom. Tom, may I present penny.
-Man:Hi, penny.
-Penny:Yeah, hey. Listen... As long as I'm here, I'm on a quest with a bunch of new birds. They don't know what they're doing. We’ve got one assassin, three spell casters and no tank.
-Sheldon:Can we talk about this later?
-Penny:No, no, no, no. I need you now.
-Sheldon:Wouldn't you prefer to socialize with Tom, who is a sexually passive ___5___?
-Penny:Whatever. I'll figure it out myself.
-Man:Bye, penny. I'm sorry, Dude, _____________________6_____________________.
-Leonard:They never do
-Howard:Hello, fair penny.
-Penny:Who are you?
-Howard It is I, Sir Howard Wolowitz. Can I interest you in an afternoon of spirited questing followed by a flagon of ale at yon virtual tavern?
-Penny:Yeah, sure, why not? Oh, my god, I need help.


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