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在TEDxCambridge大会上,迈克尔 诺顿分享了一个很有趣的调查结果。调查发现,当你不把钱花在自己身上的时候,金钱的确可以买到幸福。现在请仔细倾听,看看这些数据是如何说明具有利他主义的消费是如何惠及自己,惠及工作以及他人的。

Michael Norton
Through clever studies, Michael Norton studies how we feel about what we buy and spend.

_______(一句话听写,首字母大写,句末加标点)_________ So I told you that it ruins people's lives and that their friends bug them. It also, money often makes us feel very selfish and we do things only for ourselves. Well maybe the reason that money doesn't make us happy is that we're always spending it on the wrong things, and in particular, that we're always spending it on ourselves. And we thought, I wonder what would happen if we made people spend more of their money on other people. So instead of being antisocial with your money, what if you were a little more prosocial with your money? And we thought, let's make people do it and see what happens. So let's have some people do what they usually do and spend money on themselves, and let's make some people give money away, and measure their happiness and see if, in fact, they get happier.


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