返回 【TED演讲】一年一拍


很久以前在纽约市,史提芬.爱廸斯站在街角,双臂抱着一岁的女儿;他太太为两人拍了一张照片。那张照片启发了每年一度的、一个父亲与女儿的习惯,每年爱廸斯和女儿都会在同一角落,摆出一样的姿势拍照。爱廸斯分享这个摄影集中15 张珍贵的照片,同时解释为甚么这个细小的、重覆的习惯对他有深刻的意义。

Steven Addis
Steven Addis is a father and photography buff who, by day, harnesses the power of branding for social change.

Back then, we had no idea how much this trip would change our lives. It's really become sacred to us. This one was taken just weeks after 9/11, and I found myself trying to explain what had happened that day in ways a five-year-old could understand.

So these photos are far more than proxies for a single moment, or even a specific trip. They're also ways for us to freeze time for one week in October and reflect on our times and how we change from year to year, and not just physically, but in every way. Because while we take the same photo, our perspectives change, and she reaches new milestones, and I get to see life through her eyes, and how she interacts with and sees everything. _______(一句话听写,首字母大写,句末加标点)_________


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