返回 【童话故事】青蛙与蟾蜍系列-故事2



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Then Toad poured a glass of water over his head.
"Why are you pouring water over your head?" asked Frog.
"I hope that if I pour water over myhead,
_______________________________________," said Toad.
Toad poured many glasses of water over his head.
But he could not think of a story to tell Frog.
Then Toad began to bang his head against the wall.
"Why are you banging your head aganst the wall?" asked Frog.
"I hope that if I bang my head against the wall hard enough, it will help me to think of a story," said Toad.
"_______________________________, Toad," said Frog.
"I do not think I need a story anymore."
"Then you get out of bed and let me get into it," said Toad,
Frog said, "Would you like me to tell you a story, Toad?"
"Yes," said Toad, "if you know one."
"_______________________," said Frog.
"There were two good friends, a Frog and a Toad.
The frog was not feeling well. He asked his friend the Toad to tell him a story.
The Toad could not think of a story.
He walked up and down on the porch, but he could not think of a story.
He stood on his head, but he could not think of a story.
He poured water over his head, but he could not think of a story.
He banged his head against the wall, but he still could not think of a story.
Then the toad did not feel so well, and the frog was feeling better.
So the toad went to bed and frog got up and told him a story.
The end. How was that, Toad?" said Frog.
But Toad did not answer.


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