返回 【吸血鬼日记】第二季第四集(5) Stefan&Katherine


Katherine说出了没有被压在教堂下的真相~原来是跟狼人的交易啊~~Stefan 的话真是句句伤人~~忽然觉得Katherine有点让人小心疼…

老规矩:不用标序号,一空一行哈~~(*^__^*) 嘻嘻...
TIPS: fine line细线(微妙的差别),分界线round-up: 聚拢,聚集chaos: 混乱sell out: 出卖,背叛

Katherine: Hearing the truth after a century and a half of denial must be overwhelming.
Stefan: It wasn't real. I remember you compelling me.
Katherine: Only after I showed you who I really was.You were so scared of me. I had to take away your fear.
Stefan: Well, whatever feelings I had back then... _______1______
Katherine: _______2______ I can wait.Anyway, George Lockwood was causing all sorts of trouble.He used the vampires to cover up his own tracks.He told the founding families about us.But he was willing to strike a deal.
Stefan: What kind of a deal?
Katherine: A deal to rid the town of vampires.
George: I just spoke to Giuseppe Salvatore.
Katherine: Mm... hmm.
George: _______3______
Katherine: Good. Insist that they do a body countbefore they set the church is set ablaze.
George: I will.
Katherine: 27 vampires.
George: Once the flames create chaos,crawl to the exit under the choir loft.I'll be there to set you free.
Katherine: Make sure you're not followed.I need everyone to believe that I perished in that fire.
Stefan: You knew that they were going to burn the vampires in the church?
Katherine: _______4______
Stefan: They were your friends. They were your family.You just sold them out?
Katherine: _______5______



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