返回 【小说广场】猴爪(15)


       Mr White在Mrs White的要求下许了第二个愿望,但是什么都没有发生......


                                               (1)                                           He began to go downstairs, but suddenly he heard a noise at the front door. He stopped, and he listened. He could not move. Then the noise came again. This time he ran.                                         (2)                                                 But again the noise came.

  'What's that?' Mrs White cried, and she sat up in bed.

  'Nothing! Go to sleep again!' her husband answered.

  But Mrs White listened—and the noise came again. 'It's Herbert! It's Herbert!' she cried. 'I'm going to open the door for him.'

  And she got out of bed and ran to the door of the bedroom.                      (3)                          

  'No!' he cried. 'Think!'

  'But it's my boy! It's Herbert,' she answered.

  'No! Don't go! Don't…' her husband cried again.

  But Mrs White did not listen to him. She opened the bedroom door and ran from the room. 'I'm coming, Herbert. I'm coming!' she called.

  Mr White ran after her. 'Stop!' he cried. 'Remember, Herbert died in the machinery! You don't want to see him!'

  For a minute Mrs White stopped and looked at her husband, but then the noise came again and she began to run downstairs.

  'Help me! Help me!' she called to her husband.

  But Mr White did not move. 'The paw!' he thought. 'Where's the monkey's paw?'

  He ran back into the bedroom. 'Quick!' he thought. 'Where is it?' At first he could not find it in the dark. Ah! There it was! He had it!

  Just at that minute he heard his wife downstairs.

  'Wait! Wait, Herbert! I'm coming!' she cried. She began to open the front door.


                                     (5)                                     She stood by the open door. Very afraid, Old Mr White looked out into the dark.
     The road was dark and quiet—and there was nobody there.

                                                     The End




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