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  The man smiled, and walked quickly away from the house, down to the sea. In the water, a big wooden ship waited for him.                               (2)                                

  The ship's name was Fram, and the man was Roald Amundsen. The Fram was the most beautiful ship on earth, Amundsen thought.                         (3)                             One of them, Olav Bjaaland, smiled at him.

  'North Pole, here we come, Captain,' he said.

  'Yes.' Amundsen said. His friends could not see his face in the dark. 'Fram is going to the Arctic.'

  Everyone on the Fram was ready to go to the North Pole, to the Arctic. Amundsen wanted to go there, too.                                    (4)                                    

  At midnight on June 6th, the Fram moved quietly away from Amundsen's house, out to sea.

  The Fram went to an island in the south of Norway. It was a very little island, with only one small wooden house, two trees, and nearly a hundred dogs.

  'Look at that!' Bjaaland said. 'It's an island of dogs! There are dogs in the water, near the trees, on the house—dogs everywhere!'

  Two men came out of the house. 'Hassel! Lindstrom!' Amundsen said. 'It's good to see you!                       (5)                      '

  'Ninety-nine, Roald,' said Hassel. 'The best ninety-nine dogs from Greenland. And they're very happy! They don't work, they just eat and play all day! They're having a wonderful summer here!'

  'Good, good.' Amundsen laughed. 'But that's finished now. Hey, Bjaaland! Stop laughing—come down here and help me. Let's get all these dogs onto the ship!'



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