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  The Norwegians stayed two days at the Pole.                            (1)                           Inside the tent, they left some food, a letter for the King of Norway, and a letter for Scott.

  They left some more black flags near the Pole, and one twenty-eight kilometres north. Then they skied away, back to the north.

  It's a beautiful day, Bjaaland wrote. The sun is warm, the snow is good.                                  (2)                              

  They found their depots easily. There were ten between the Pole and Framheim. Each depot had a lot of food. They laughed and skied quickly down the mountains. Often, they skied fifty kilometres a day. On Friday, January 26th, 1912, they came back to Framheim. It was four o'clock in the morning.

  Inside the wooden house, Lindstr m, the cook, was asleep. Amundsen walked quietly to his bed. 'Good morning, Lindstr m,' he said. 'Is our coffee ready?'

  The black flags waited at the Pole.

  'What's that, Captain?' Bowers said. 'Over there?'

  'Where?' Scott asked. 'What—oh my God!'

  They all saw me small black flag in the snow, two kilometres in front of them. Slowly, they pulled their sledge to it.

  Next day, January 17th 1912, they found the tent and the Norwegian flag.                                            (3)                                       In his diary, Scott wrote: This is a very bad day.                     (4)                     It is -30°Centigrade and there is a snowstorm. Great God!               (5)                



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