返回 【欲望都市】S01E06-5 秘密的情人




-Next morning, he woke up and felt at ease, very relaxed.
-I'm a creative director of an ad agency but... eventually I'd love to have my own shop.
-I'd love to have my own shop, too. Well, cheese shop, I mean.
-She was one of the only women he'd ever met [---1---].
-So what's the problem?
-Look, she's not beautiful, and, [---2---]. I mean, you now, most of her friends are in dairy. But she's warm, and unpretentious and...it is the best sex I've ever had in my life.
-What are you afraid of? [---3---]?
-Look, all I know is that she's not the right woman for me in the larger sense. So I keep her a secret.
-I couldn't decide whether Mike was being shallow or honest. [---4---]. How many of us out there are having great sex with people we're ashamed to introduce to our friends?
-Have I ever had fabulous sex with someone I didn't want to admit to? Did I tell you about that jazz musician who lived with his mother in Queens?
-Yeah, Alex.
-What about the window washer?
-The one who doesn't wear any underwear?
-I met this gorgeous kid in Spy Bar last year.
-Evidently, Samantha had had lots of sex, none of which was secret.


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