返回 【在美国】32 肉和冷冻食品这点事


资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖The meat and frozen food sections〗
<听写方式: 填空, 一空一词, 不用带数字序号>
A: Hey Lo! Did you find everything you need?
B: Yep! So is this where we get meat?
A: Yes, it is! You can get ground beef to make hamburgers, and different cuts of beef and pork for steak or pork ____1____.
B: What's the different between all these different meats? There are T-bone steaks, beef ____2____ -- how do you know what to buy?
A: The different meats come from different parts of the animal and have different ____3____. The main thing to look for is the fat content. The less fat there is in your piece of meat, the more healthy it is to eat it!
B: We need seafood for our recipe -- shrimp to be specific.
A: All of the seafood is over here. There's frozen shrimp available, but the fresh shrimp will have a better taste.
B: I like fresh ____4____ best!
A: One pound of shrimp, please!
B: Alright. Next I need some breakfast cereal and some muffins. Oh, and Kevin wants some frozen waffles and maple syrup.
A: Cereal is over in aisle 2, and the muffins are in the fresh-baked bread section in the corner. Waffles are in the frozen food section.
B: What about syrup?
A: Let me ask. Excuse me! Where's the maple syrup?
C: Aisle 9 toward the front of the store.
A: Thanks!
B: I want some ice cream. So I will get Kevin's waffles while I'm in the frozen food section.
A: I'll meet you near the ____5____ line!

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