返回 【在美国】67 准备汽车, 开车旅行


资料来源:《Drew和Nancy的美国生活英语》 大连理工大学出版社)

〖Getting the car ready〗
<听写方式: 填空, 不用带数字序号>
A: I can't believe you only have two weeks left in America, Lo! ____1____(句子)
B: It really has. ____2____(句子)
A: Now, seeing as this is your first American road trip, we have to go through the basics. ____3____(句子) But, we have to make sure the car is ready for the trip.
B: What, like make sure it won't break down or something?
A: Exactly. ____4____(句子) It wastes time and money. Plus, the traffic moves so fast on the highway that it's dangerous if your car has a problem and you need to pull over. That's how a lot of accidents happen.
B: So, what do we need to do to get your car ready?
A: ____5____(句子) You have to make sure the level is high enough or else your engine will have serious problems.
B: Okay. The oil level looks fine. What's next?
A: ____6____(句子)
B: Check. Wiper fluid is fine.
A: ____7____(句子)
B: This tire looks a little flat actually.
A: Yeah, it looks crooked too. Sometimes the wheels get unaligned. I'll take it to the gas station tomorrow morning and we'll get it all straightened out.
B: Anything else?
A: Yep. We're not done yet. We need to put a car-top carrier on the roof of the car so we can put extra luggage in it. This way we can bring more stuff but still have room inside the car.

最后,欢迎推荐给你的好友 :D



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