返回 【纵横美国】欣赏影展 第一幕



人名 Alex

Alex: Why did you and Mom have to get divorced?

Ramon: We're talked about this before, Alex. Your mom and I changed. We can't be together anymore.

Alex: 1                          ?

Ramon: Your mother wanted, she and Norman... I don't know why she got married again.

Alex: Are you gonna get married again?

Ramon: 2                      , but for now, it's just you and me, okay?

Alex: OK.

Ramon: Don't forget this weekend you're with your mother.

Alex: I wish you could come, too.

Ramon: Thanks, but, I don't think so. Hello, Mama. Anything new?

Mother: I'm tired, maybe it's really time to retire.

Ramon: Yes, it won't be long before you can sit back and relax.

Mother: Sounds too good to be true.

Ramon: Any mail?

Other: Yes, 3                   . I left it next to the cash register,oh, and Alberto is trying to reach you.

Ramon: What does he want?

Mother: He didn't say. He'll call back tomorrow. Is Alex at Christine's?

Ramon: Yeah. I don't believe it. 4                     !

Mother: Bad news?

Ramon: It's from Christine's lawyer.

Mother: What does your ex-wife want now?

Ramon: She and her new husband are moving to Los Angeles.

Mother: Los Angeles? Good riddance.

Ramon: 5                         .

Mother: Ay, no me digas eso. Alex belongs here, with his family, his friends. You have to stop her.

Ramon: I agree, but what can I do? She's his mother. He loves her.

Mother: Of course! But he loves his father, too. Alex is just a child. He needs you. He needs you to be strong for him now.

Ramon: 6                         .


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