返回 【犯罪心理】S01E13(3) 他会不惜一切去实现计划



上期节目: 【犯罪心理】S01E13(2) 下迷药就没情趣了


So, we're looking for chemists and sophisticated lab assistants?
- Basically.
OK, wait a minute. If the unsub 1____________,
what'd he need Dempsey for?
Well, we don't know yet.
But, she worked for a, she worked for a company, called, uh...Hithcock Pharmaceuticals.
I think there's a good chance the unsub worked there, too.
Well, let's start with people who fit the profile who've had a recent stressor.
Like, anybody fired from Hichcock in the past 6 months.
Hichcock's a giant company, Sugar Shack, there were over a 100 people fired just this past year.
And so far, none of them fit the profile?
- No.
But, I do have 30 names of people 2_________________.
All right, send us the names. We'll cross-reference them with civil and criminal complaints filed with local PD.
But, I want you to keep digging, and while you're at it,
look for any connection to the First New Jersey Federal Bank.
- I'm on it, Angel.
Our guys acting like a workplace mass murderer.
Well, if he is a workplace killer, what else does that tell us about him?
Well, for one, they don't give themselves up.
4_______________. He's capable of anything.
All those innocent people at the bank.
They meant nothing to him.
Like Dempsey.
Like Dempsey, and eventually, even himself... until he finishes taking out his primary targets.
We have no idea where he's going to strike next.
For all we know, he could poison the local reservoir.
Well, the local cops haven't gotten any leads out of Dempsey.
Why don't you go to Hichcock and see if you have any luck.


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