返回 【犯罪心理】S01E19(1) 他已经非法潜逃出境




You are almost certainly looking for a heterosexual male.
Why do you say that?
Well,the victim was found on the bed, multiple stab wounds to the face, chest and genital area. All indicators of sexual homicide.
In case it's a sexual homicide, 1_________________.
Heterosexual men attack women.
So homosexual men attack men?
Did the daughter have any ideas about who might have done this?
She didn't have any ideas about anything.
When she found out that her brother was a suspect, she wanted to talk to him alone.
I refused because 2________________ .
Then she stopped talking completely.
So what's she protecting?
We're ready to talk to the suspect.
Of course, but first there's someone I'd like you to meet.
Maria Sanchez. 3__________. Do not be afraid.
Agent Gideon.
Agent Hotchner. It's an honor.
Our papers are fascinated with the idea of a serial killer.
And when Navarro suggested that I invite you in to dispel this nonsense, I immediately saw the wisdom.
But, enough formalities. 4_______________. Excuse me.
She's worse in Spanish.
Neighbors heard a loud fight the day of the murder. Between the victim, her son, daughter and brother-in-law.
One big happy family.
Well the uncle had a solid alibi. But we could not find the son.
Then we got a tip 5________________.
We caught him before he crossed.
That's Miguel's sister, Rosa.
She's been here ever since she found out that her brother was arrested.
Seems though she thinks he's innocent.
The dutiful sister.
This way.


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