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2.本期新闻摘要: 美国共和党初选首战结果出炉 罗姆尼等人领跑 巴以安曼会谈 利比亚武装冲突 美助理国务卿抵达首尔商谈朝核问题 英国暴雪 前英国总统接受放射治疗 中外交部长访问科特廸亚

Romney and Santorum tied in Iowa caucuses

U.S. Republicans in Iowa have voted in the state's first-in-the-nation caucuses that would ____1____ .With 96 percent of precincts reporting their results, former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum is still locked in dead heat with former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, both at about 25 percent.Santorum is holding a razor-thin advantage.

Israeli-Palestinian Amman meeting ends with progress: Jordanian FM

The first meeting between Israeli and Palestinian peace negotiators in more than a year has ended with a small sign of progress in the Jordanian capital of Amman,
Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh says the two sides have agreed to continue their discussions."The atmosphere was extremely positive.These are all exploratory meetings that aim at arriving at the conducive environment that is needed to launch serious negotiations on all final status issues."Judeh says in the next few months, Jordan is____2____  .

Four injured in armed clash in Tripoli

Four people were injured in the Libyan capital of Tripoli when armed factions exchanged gunfire.The clash between fighters from the western city of Misrata and those from Tripoli occurred outside a security compound with bullets and grenades ripping through the streets.One local resident said the two sides exchanged fire when the Misrata men____3____ .

U.S. assistant secretary of state to visit Seoul over DPRK issues

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and the Pacific, Kurt Campbell, is visiting South Korea's capital Seoul today to____4____  . Campbell is scheduled to meet with Lim Sung-nam, Seoul's chief envoy to the stalled six-party nuclear talks.The US diplomat will also travel to China.

Storms kill 7, force 52 towns to declare emergency in southeastern Brazil

At least 7 people have been killed in ferocious storms in southeastern Brazil over the course of last month.The summer storms have also forced over 50 towns____5____   .The flooding brought on by the heavy rains has also forced around 93-hundred people from their homes.

Brazil's Lula starts radiotherapy

Former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is set to begin his first round of radiotherapy for throat cancer.The radiotherapy is the latest step in Lula da Silva's cancer treatment, which has already included three rounds of chemotherapy.Doctors in Sao Paulo say they're confident Lula da Silva should make a full recovery, given that 75 percent of the____6____ .

Chinese FM visits Cote d'Ivoire

Visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has had a meeting with the president of Cote d'Ivoire Alassane Quattara.The____7____  .The Chinese foreign minister is on a three-nation African tour which will also take him to Niger and Namibia.


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