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Death toll hit 61 after boat sinking in Aegean Sea off western Turkey

61 people are dead, after a migrant boat sinking off Turkey's coast.The boat, carrying over 100 illegal migrants went down in the Aegean Sea off Turkey's west coast on Thursday.Nearly half of the victims are children.46 others managed to survive the sinking.The occupants of the boat are mostly from Syria and Iraq.Turkish officials say the group was trying to make it into European countries illegally.It's unclear what caused the boat to go down.The____1____ .

Kyrgyzstan's president appoints new prime minister

Kyrgyzstan's President has appointed a new Prime Minister.Almazbek Atambayev has tapped Zhantoro Satybaldiyev as the new PM.This comes after the Kyrgyz Parliment gave its majority approval for Satybaldiyev's appointment on Wednesday.On top of appointing the new prime minister, Atambayev has also appointed 19 members of the new government of China's neighbor to the west.Under the Kyrgyz government system, the Prime Minister____2____.The President controls the country's foreign policy.

ECB and BOE hold fire on rates

The European Central Bank has decided to maintain its current interest rate at 0.75 percent.Eurozone inflation came in at 2.6 percent in August, up 0.2 percent from the previous month.ECB is trying to keep inflation below 2 percent.At the same time, the Bank of England has also decided to hold its interest rate at 0.5 percent.The British central bank is____3____ .

CNOOC asks US to review offer

The over 15-billion US dollar takeover deal between CNOOC and Canada's Nexen has come under US government review.US officials are____4____ .Although Nexen is a Canadian company, around 10-percent of its operations are based in the United States.

Microsoft to Increase Hiring, Investment in China

Microsoft is____5____ .This will increase the software maker's headcount to 55-hundred here in China.Meanwhile, the company is also planning to boost its R&D spending by 15-percent in China through next year.Currently, Microsoft invests around 500-million dollars a year here in China.


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