返回 【绝望的主妇】读书会后密谈


When I was alive, my friends and I came together once a month for a meeting of the Wisteria Lane Book Club. We found the problems of literary characters so absorbing. the way they dealt with adversity, conducted illicit affairs, endured domestic dramas and planned romantic conquests. But since my death, my friends had lost their interest in fiction.

Woman: So, what did everybody think?

Their own problems had become absorbing enough.

Lynette: I thought the character of Madame Bovary was very inspirational.
Woman: inspirational? ____(一句话,首字母大写)_____
Lynette: Really?
Woman: You didn't read until the end?
Lynette: I stopped after page 50.
Woman: Am I the only one who read the book?
Susan: I saw the movie. It was really good.
Woman: Ladies! I'm sorry, but what is the point of having a book club if we don't read the book?
Bree: More wine? Sue, uh, Reba, Emma and Laurie. Why don't you girls come to the kitchen and help me with the snacks?
Woman: Sure.
Bree: I will be right in. God, I couldn't wait to get rid of them! So, Lynette said that you found Zack.
Susan: He's at a rehabilitation center. Julie snuck in and actually talked to him.
Lynette: Did he say anything about his mother's suicide?
Susan: There wasn't enough time. But he did say one thing that was kind of mysterious. He said something happened to someone named Dana, and that he could never ever talk about it.
Gabrielle: Who the hell's Dana?
Lynette: That's the mystery part.
Susan: I figure Dana has something to do with what Mary Alice was trying to hide.
Lynette: So somebody found out Mary Alice's secret...
Bree: ... and sent the note.
Gabrielle: So who the hell is that?


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